Show your support

Mail us your "Nihon ganbare" manga and it will be published on this site. The best works will be selected for an exhibition!


Saturday, 19 March 2011

Send us your manga message! Encourage and support Japan!

Hello everyone! We made this site to promote the donations for the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami relief fund as well as to collect your messages of encouragement for the Japanese people expressed through manga art. You are surely thinking of the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami and have something to tell them. Please express yourselves through your original manga and let us publish your work.

We wish that your messages of encouragement and support reach Japan and the world.
The best works will be presented in an exhibition. Coming back with details on that.

Japan, ganbare!


皆さん、こんにちは。東北関東大震災被災者への義援金寄付を促進するためにこのサイトを作ってみました。そして、世界中の方々から漫画の形をした応援メッ セージを集めたいと思います。皆さんの励ましの気持ちを漫画にして日本へ、世界へ伝えましょう。


☆ 作品はオリジナルの物を募集します。そして、この活動においてこのサイトで無料で公開させていただきます。

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